DEATH TO THE 5x5 muscle mass work out - The superhuman fitness


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Wednesday 2 May 2018

DEATH TO THE 5x5 muscle mass work out


 The complete 5x5 way to hell work out program.😎👊

Death to the 5x5 program 😎👌

5x5 have many quality aspects. They focus on the major compound movements, progressive overload, and balls-out hard work. These are all good things.
But I prefer more.
My powerbuilding mantra is a bit different. I want to see you make every muscle group from head to toe as big and as strong as humanly possible. In my opinion, this creates a more well-rounded strength base, and a more well-rounded physique.
Argue if you will. Hate me if you must. At least hear me out.
5x5s have many quality aspects. They focus on the major compound movements, progressive overload, and balls-out hard work. These are all good things.
But I prefer more.
My powerbuilding mantra is a bit different. I want to see you make every muscle group from head to toe as big and as strong as humanly possible. In my opinion, this creates a more well-rounded strength base, and a more well-rounded physique.
Argue if you will. Hate me if you must. At least hear me out.
On St 5×5 you workout three times a week. Each workout you do three barbell exercises for sets of five reps. The five exercises you’ll do on 5×5 are the Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, Overhead Press and Barbell Row. Together they work your whole body.
The goal on 5×5 is to increase the weight. You start light, lift with proper form, and add 2,5kg /5lb each workout. This progressive increase in weight triggers your body to get stronger and build muscle. It’s the simplest and most effective way to get results.
Strong Lifts 5×5 is most effective for beginners new to lifting weights. This is the definitive guide to 5×5 workout program.
1 Monday - legs ( quads & calf )
2 Tuesday - triceps / abbs
3 Wednesday - upper & mid back
4 Thursday - shoulder / biceps
5 Friday - lower back & hamstrings
6 Saturday - chest

Sets & reps

Do five worksets of five reps (5×5) on Squats, Bench, Overhead Press and Rows. Deadlift only one workset of five reps (1×5). Warmup with light weights before your heavy worksets.
5×5 means five sets of five reps with the same weight. So Squat 5×5 90kg/200lb means you Squat this weight for five reps on all five worksets. 1×5 means one set of five reps – not five sets of one rep. So Deadlift 1×5 140kg/300lb is one heavy workset where you pull 140kg/300lb for five reps.
5×5 Deadlifts after 5×5 Squats doesn’t work. Deadlifts use more muscles. The weight is heavier and each rep starts from a harder dead stop. Pulling heavy for 5×5 is brutal. Instead of accelerating your progress, you’ll slow it by missing reps more. Deadlift only 1×5 – it’s enough.

rest time 💪😎

Rest as long as you need between sets to get five reps on your next set. The first weeks of StrongLifts 5×5 you don’t need much rest time because the weights are light. But as your work weight increases and becomes more challenging, you’ll need to rest more. Here’s what I recommend…
  • 1min30 if you easily completed five reps on your last set
  • 3min if you struggled to get five reps on your last set
  • 5min if you failed to get five reps on your last set.

Lifting tempo 😎✋

The first weeks of StrongLifts 5×5 you’ll have to lift more slowly so you can practice proper form. But as you gain experience you can start accelerating the bar on the way up. This recruits more muscle fibers and helps you lift heavier weights. It’s not cheating but more effective.
Lifting slow causes more pump and fatigue. But it also limits how heavy you can go. The goal on this program is to lift heavy. You can lift heavier when you lift fast. That’s why lifting fast recruits more muscle fibers – the heavier weight forces more muscles to get involved to lift it.
If you’ve never done these exercises before, haven’t done them in years, or you’re intimidated by free weights then start with the lowest weights possible. This way you can build up your confidence and practice proper form. Here are the recommended starting weights if you’re new to lifting…
  1. Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press: 20kg/45lb (the empty Olympic barbell)
  2. Deadlift: 40kg/95lb (the empty bar with a plate of 10kg/25lb on each side)
  3. Barbell Row: 30kg/65lb (the empty bar with 5kg/10lb on each side.)

5×5 doesn’t use a calf. But it works the same way. And that’s why it’s so effective.
I discovered the 5×5 routine in 2003 on the Internet. There was a forum poster “John Smith” writing about it (he turned out to be weightlifting coach Glenn Pendlay). And there was Madcow who talked to Pendlay and wrote about 5×5 on the now defunct Geocities. Their writings sold me on 5×5.
In 2007 my mentor told me to start a website about lifting. I didn’t want to at first, but then went for it. In June that year I wrote a definitive guide on the 5×5 routine. People found it helpful, started to call it 5×5, and somehow it became popular. In 2010 I created the first app 5x5 .

result 😎👍

[caption id="attachment_9" align="alignnone" width="267"]images (1) the superhuman[/caption]

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